KIDS Ministry

Team Jim and Carolyn are all about kids. From sponsoring fishing rodeos and bull riding, providing tools of trade and supporting young truck drivers entering the profession, to helping abused children and women escape their abusers, we put our hearts into helping kids overcome obstacles and be successful.

Every bracelet, feather, bead, and angel on these arms represent a kid we have recovered from abuse. We have 100 missing persons “finds” and recoveries. Thanks to the good Lord and the power of independent owner operators in trucking.

Jim has 4 million miles in trucking, private investigations, specialized human extractions and recovery, and anti-human trafficking stings experience using trucking.

In 2008 we began KIDS IN NEED OF DADS or KIND. KIND grew into a large national trucking and private homes, food, and clothing network supporting battered women and children.  We partnered with many professionals in the transportation industry, pro bono attorneys, and members of law enforcement to provide services while victims awaited court dates and relocation. Help us continue this private service. Your purchase and donations helps us continue this cause.